Monthly Archives: May 2013


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Well we are on day 4 of hot & rainy. Really hot, really rainy.

Mr. Bean has been tucking himself away in his bunny spots (a handful of places that when he goes in there, he is totally off limits. I don’t even put my hands in there). I did get to find out he likes hiding under the sheets at the foot of the bed.
He popped out when I walked by & I almost broke my neck. Sometimes he super reminds me of a rat. Like when he scares me for laughs.

Then I remember he is technically a rodent.

So, Crabby Beans until the rain lets up.

Beans first Tornado Warning

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About 830 tonight my cell phone went nuts and an automatic alert came on. My entire county was under a tornado warning within minutes of the storm moving in.

I have lived in Michigan for 20 years, I know the drill. Especially since I live in an apartment complex.

Bean, however, never saw it coming. In 90 seconds I got jacket, keys, shoes & had my runbag (emergency bag + other essentials) ready, and had put together an emergency bunny kit. Threw the bunny kit (bottle of water, jar of pellets & his Cheez-Its)  AND the bunny into the tomato box I brought him home in.

We spent the next 3 hours ( and 4 new warning, each extending the time) hiding in the basement with the other residents.  At one point there was 2 touchdowns within miles of us.
It was scary.
I huddled over the top of the box with my upper body. I had all the slits I made in it covered with his light blanket. I just kept whispering to him.

He knew something was going down. He was wound tight as a spring, but stayed pretty still as long as I talked to him.

Thank the stars above, we are ok. After the all clear we went on back up.

Bean went and peed on my pillow asap.
It’s the only way he can get even with me.

Tonight, I let it slide. I did cram him into a box for 3 hours.

All is ok now. He’s not mad, weather is better (not good, just better) & this chick is whipped.


Flash Tornado; taken about 6 miles from me.


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So, even as much as we love each other, Bean & I have our bad days. Or off days. Grumpy Bean-the-Mean days.

Tonight was one of the off ones. He has been harassing me, jumping from the couch & dive bombing me on the chaise. Or chewing on my pillow. Or racing around like the Mad Hatter.

He finally laid down under the desk chair (that is just sitting in a corner in the living room, desk-less. Tis Bean’s ‘chill’ place.) and started to doze on and off. I have a scary movie in (it’s Sunday night!) and it’s dark.

Little Beanie decides that it’s completely ok to out of now where, and loud as sin, thump his hind legs at me.

I now await the cops, in case my neighbors called 911 when I screamed like a little girl.

Thanks Bean.

For Bean’s ‘grandma’

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My mom has been great helping me with the 9million questions I have had about Bean. She has walked me through very weird things, bless her.

So, for my Mom,  here’s one more


My Bean

Bean is Good

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Well, got home. Bean was mad at first. Wouldn’t let me pet him, running away from me and all. So I started unpacking and sat down.

Maybe ten minutes on, Bean is crawling slowly up the chaise to see what I’m doing. Then poof! Bean in lap, getting his head scratched.

After bribing him a little more with some Cheez-Its,  all seems well again for him. Little touchy still, but he’ll be ok by tomorrow.

Missed him, even if I had a total blast while I was gone 🙂

Nope, still.

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Ok, this is just plain silly.
I miss Bean to the point I want to cry. I know he is fine. I’m more worried about what he thinks is going on then being physically ok.

I just hope he doesn’t think I have left him forever.

Home soon Bean-Its!


Bean right befor I left. Love that face.

Missing Beanie

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8 hours on, and I miss Bean.
Ooohhhh is he going to be a Mad Bunny when I get home tomorrow.


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Getting Bean & his room all ready. I leave in the morning, heading out of state for a day. This will be Bean’s first time home alone.

I know he’ll be fine, but I am still so so worried.

It’s only 38 hours hahaha!!

As of right now, 3 bowls of water, 2 of his pellets. 2 (large) piles of his hay/grass mix. Treats hidden all over the room.

Should be just fine.
Love my Bean.


It's a Beans Life!

May 17th

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Friday was a really, truly bad day. Today only a little better.

Bean is such a peach. My all-male “teenage” non-cuddly bunny has snuggled into my lap every single time I have called him today.

I know it will end when I stop being so sad, but it is sweet as can be right now.

Splitting Hares

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I am pretty sure he knows I am beyond tired. That is why he is in high gear, ripping around the house like mad…. Oh! He’s the Mad Hatter!!! Lmao!!!

I want sleep.
Baby Bean wants to play.
I wont even fight this battle. He will win no matter what. So why waste limited energy fighting. Besides, I feel like crap when I yell at him. Especially when he doesn’t deserve it.

Maybe I can get him to just chill on the bedroom.
Just maybe.